An interview with the keynote-speaker
PRESS: We are aware that your company has an ecologic design. What made you focus on this specific style?
KEY-NOTE SPEAKER: Well I come from a family that works with the forest and considers it a very important resource, so I was born with the passion for it, too. I have a strong conection with the environment, because I love it. My time at the University of Aveiro and the documentary “ The Inconvenient Truth” by Al Gore changed my perspective. Then I got envolved and tried to help and promote the sustainable aspect of business.
P: What does your company offer that others don't?
KS: We work mainly with solid wood and also with oil and wax instead of chemicals. we try to make a very timeless design. We make products that will last for as long as 100 years from now.
P: What is the reason for choosing Portuguese designers to work with Boa Safra?
KS: First of all I'm portuguese, I think we have a way of looking at design that isn't so common. We are influenced by our climate and instituitions like Porto Architeture University. Portuguese design is special and it stands out from the other perspectives.
P: Your company's moto is “Changing the world implies changing our lives”. Tell us more about that philosophy.
KS: Changing the world is a big thing. What I believe is that we need to change ourselves. You must be the change you want to see and I believe that schools and people that are now moving from schools to universities are key players. Local work with young people is a way for them to get involved and to see that sustainability is not just a word.
P: As you believe changing is a significant part of improving everything, do you consider that the General Assembly's issue “Millennium Development goals (Post 2015) and The Sustainable Development Goals (2030)” reflects a necessary change?
KS: Yes, the UN is making a strong statement, by showing that there are very powerful tools. I´m a strong believer in the capibility of the UN to change the world.
P: Your company enters the programs that all companies should. It targets environmental control and progress. How important is it for companies to adopt this method in order to be part of the change that this issue suggests?
KS: It’s crucial. To change the organizations we need to change the people. They need to be aware. If ideas change people, people change the world.
Interviews with delegates of GA
PRESS: What aspects did you like the most?
DELEGATE: The delegates’ different points of view.
P: What is your delegation looking for in the next issue?
D: FMI thinks that child labour should be eradicated and that despite having a direct effect on some economies it is an urgent problem to be solved.
P: What do you think of this CICMUN edition?
D: It was an interesting and very educative event.
P: What aspects did you like the most?
D: The organization that was showed in this event.
P: What is your delegation looking for in the next issue?
D: Cyprus defends that child labour should come to an end.
P: What do you think of this CICMUN edition?
D: This kind of events is important for us because we are the future of the world and these events help us realise that and despite being difficult and if we work together we can change the world. One step at a time.
P: What aspects did you like the most?
D: The enthusiasm of the delegates about the different issues.
P: What is your delegation looking for in the next issue?
D: San Marino considers that child labour is outrageous and should be extinguished.
P: What do you think of this CICMUN edition?
D: It is a very interesting and didactic event.
Interviews with delegates from SPC
A few interviews have been conducted to some countries in order to have a first introspective on how people are liking this conference so far and the answer was unanimous since everyone seems to be enjoying it very much.
Some countries such as Mozambique and Russia showed excitement towards the debates that have been shared throughout the day since they have given them a chance to discuss these global issues with people who have diversified opinions and the possibility to find tremendous solutions for these problems.
On the other hand, some delegates revealed that the aspect that they like the most about MUN is the fact that it’s a very interesting experience which gives them a chance to talk about the same problems with different countries, being this opinion shared by Angola and Uruguay, who also underlined the fact that this event is very well organized even though it’s slightly affected by the understandable nervousness of some participants.
Besides that, all the delegates who were interviewed demonstrated a positive vibe and the desire to repeat this experience in the future; therefore, it’s safe to state that the 16th edition of CICMUN is living up to its expectations.