The best way to learn how to use your committee time effectively is to watch how other good delegates operate. There is no substitute for this. To help you in your first Conference the following explanations may be of help.
The Chair: The student officer in charge. His/her word is final;
Time for/against: Time allocated for/against a resolution;
To have the floor: To be given the right to stand up and address the meeting;
Yield the floor: A speaker may give the remainder of his/her speaking time to another delegate or to the Chair;
Amendments: An amendment is a change to a resolution, usually to make it better or to attract more support. All amendments must be submitted on an amendment sheet (available from the Chair);
Point of Personal Privilege: This is made only if the speaker cannot be heard;
Point of order: An appeal made to the Chair when a delegate believes a mistake has been made in the order or rules of debate, and would like clarification;
Point of Information: A question asked of the speaker about the resolution or argument the speaker has put forward. Such questions can only be put if the speaker wishes to be “open to points of information”.