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Delegate Center

Dear Delegate,

Thank you for participating in CICMUN 2016, the sixteenth year of this annual conference. If you are not an experienced delegate these pages will enlighten you with the procedures and the aim of the Model United Nations activity. We hope you’ll do an exhaustive research of your country in order to represent it excellently. Your citizens are counting on you! 

During the conference: 
Lobbying – informal reunion where you are able to meet and talk with the delegates representing other countries. The fundamental objective is to gather support for your resolution. Be persuasive! The delegates are expected to bring copies of their resolutions to deliver them in Lobbying time.
Resolutions - In CICMUN, for your resolution to be considered and go to the Approval Panel, the delegation must have a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 signatures (are allowed 2 signatures of delegations of the same school as the student presenting the resolution)  in the appropriate Resolution Sheet that can be found in the country’s folder given in Registration.

General Assembly – where the formal debate happens. In GA resolutions are approved or rejected and each delegation is supposed to represent their country by speaking at the podium, when in order and with the chair allowance, for or against the resolution, making Points of Information and, finally, voting. If the delegations want to get the floor, they just have to raise their placard in the appropriate time and wait for the chair’s recognition.
Opening Speeches - Before the debate of the resolutions actually starts, each appointed delegation will need to present their Opening Speech, read at the podium. You’ll have one minute to deliver the referred text. In it you shall expose to the Assembly the issues that mainly concern your country and not make a brief statement about the country’s opinion on the questions that will be later discussed. Rights of reply will be entertained, if possible, on the basis of 3 rights of reply for each round of 7 speeches.

The motions below are the ones accepted and used at CICMUN. You will understand and learn them better once you are in the debate. 
Point of Personal Privilege – this motion may interrupt the speaker. It relates to a problem of audibility and comfort of the delegate; 
Orders of Day – this motion may also interrupt the speaker. It is used when a delegate believes that the speaker or a point of information strays from the topic; 

Point of Order – it is raised when a delegate believes there has been a mistake in the rules of the debate or that the speaker has made a remark that is inappropriate and offensive to the Assembly. This motion CANNOT BE CALLED IN THE MIDDLE OF A SPEECH; 

Point of Information – it is addressed to the speaker that has the floor at the time. The Point must be one question and must be phrased as one.. While the speaker is answering the delegate remains standing; 

Move the Previous Question – can only be called in AGAINST TIME. It means that a delegation wishes to vote on a particular issue. The chair will ask for objections, if there aren’t any, he/she will move the Assembly into voting procedures; 

Move to Extend Debate Time – it is used to set another round of debate time. It may only be called once the original debate time has elapsed; 

Division of the House – it is called when a delegation believes that the vote was too close to determine accurately. Delegations will then vote FOR or AGAINST only, no abstentions allowed. This motion can be denied by the chair; 

Move to Adopt without a Vote – applies to both amendments and resolutions. The motion must be made immediately after the operative clauses have been read. It requires the unanimous approval os the Assembly; 

Point of Information to the Chair – it deals with a question germane to the topic and is directed to the Chair; 

Point of Parliamentary Inquiry – it deals with a question on what is going on procedurally. It is directed to the chair. 

Amendments: an amendment is a change to a resolution. The delegations may write their proposals in the Amendment Sheet and send it to the chair that will consider them. Amendments must be proposed in against time; 
the delegate then reads, at the podium, the amendment and the chair will ask the submitters of the resolution if there are any objections. If all of them are in favour of the amendment it automatically passes, if not, separate debate will be set. 

Yielding the floor: to yield the floor means to give the podium to another speaker or to the chair;
Yielding chains may not consist of more than 3 countries.
-         Time For: 20 minutes;
-         Time Against: 20 minutes;
-         Extensions of debate time: 10 minutes;
-         Amendments: 6 minutes (each);
-         Signatures: 8 (minimum) to 12 (maximum);
-         In CICMUN it is not necessary to number each sentence of the resolution;
-         Use commas to separate preambulatory clauses;
-         Use semicolons to separate operative clauses; the last ends with a period;
-         Underline the first word or phrase in each sentence.

Preambulatory Clauses:

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