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CICMUN's Officer:
CICMUN Director: Maria Emília Macedo
Secretary General: Catarina de Noronha
Deputy Secretary General: Eduardo Sousa
Heads of Staff: Ana Francisca Fernandes e Rita Melo
Heads of Housing: Gonçalo Mendes e Vasco Monteiro
Chairs: Rafael Silva, Maria Mira e Catarina de Noronha
Co-Chairs: Natacha Santos, Telma Martins e Gustavo Sarmento
CICMUN's Issues:
1st: Measures towards the relief of the political tensions in the Korean peninsula;
2nd: Tackling the global espionage and surveillance by MEDCs (More Economically Developed Country);
3rd: Measures to ensure the fulfilment of the Sixth Millenium Development Goal in South East Asia.
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